Perks Of Dating A Femme

This is a GREAT blog and gives a far more clear picture of why I, as a Stone Butch, like Femmes. Femme in NYC’s list here is spot on! She nails every point.

A Femme in NYC

No, I’m not playing for the other team now. I asked my friends and acquaintances what are the advantages of dating a femme as opposed to a femme-identifying feminine lesbian, bisex or straight woman (cultural appropriation anyone?).

After her own self-discovery and acceptance journey, a femme:

– Values you.
– Respects you.
– Gives you the place you deserve in her life. The younger generations have close-to-none bio-male baby-daddy drama because they know having a child with a butch and a little bit of borrowed/bought sperm is an option. The older generations know better than to give a bio-male more power in her life and relationship than her husbutch has.
– Doesn’t criticize or belittle your ideas. She gets you and is your first cheerleader.
– Knows that when you open the door for her, take out the garbage, build her a walk-in closet, put your arms around her shoulders……

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