I Sometimes Hate the LGBT Community. And I’m a Member.

THIS IS ONE INCREDIBLY WELL WRITTEN AND VERY, VERY TRUE! I am reblogging this with the same message – get over yourselves, realize that history has brought us to exactly where we are today, and that all of us can be assholes once in a while…but we need to stop the bickering, stop the senseless “policing” of one another and rebuild our community into something that every one of us can be proud of. Let’s start with just being kind and respectful to each other – and accepting that we ALL have varying opinions, experiences and ways of viewing the world – and NO ONE is perfectly right on any of it. This blog is GREAT at putting the whole ball of wax into very understandable perspective!!! ~MainelyButch

Nihilism is Pointless.

Recently, huge fights have spawned between different camps within the LGBT community.  The fights are born around the use of certain words, different roles, opinions, outlooks, philosophies of life as an LGBT person, and quite simply wounded egos.

And I have had just about enough of the bullshit.

If half the energy expended on fighting each other within the community was used to fight for medical access, legal equality, marriage rights, and positive media portrayals we would already be considering a transgendered woman for Secretary of the Interior and no one would be even slightly concerned about anything but their professional qualifications.  Instead, we have turned on each other like crabs in a pot slowly coming to a boil.  As soon as one goes up, the others must pull them down.  Instead of creating a chain of effort, we spend our time stabbing each other in the back, screaming at…

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